Direct din degetele analistilor suparati ca Apple nu le-a implinit previziunile, am astazi pentru voi un zvon care va deveni real doar daca un analist va scoate bani din buzunar pentru a il transforma in realitate. Conform celor de la Forbes, Apple ar putea utiliza chip-uri Qualcomm Snapdragon pentru a fabrica iPhone-uri ieftine ce ar urma sa ajunga in pietele in curs de dezvoltare. iPhone-ul low-end ar trebui sa aiba performante mai slabe decat iPhone 5, de exemplu, insa ar trebui sa produca si profit, iar utilizarea chi-urilor Qualcomm ar permite celor de la Apple sa faca si ceva bani din vanzarea acestui terminal.
It is likely that the work with QCOM is being driven by AAPL’s concern regarding maintaining gross margins as well as the need to differentiate the product by performance. AAPL would not want a value priced iPhone to offer the same kind of graphics and video support, processing power etc. that its premium priced device would, therefore a less powerful lower-end Snapdragon integrated solution would help segment the product. It’s a strategy that would appear to make sense. Should QCOM secure a Snapdragon design in a low end iPhone it would obviously be a huge win as thus far its business with AAPL has been limited to modem parts only.
In momentul de fata Apple cumpara de la Qualcomm modem-urile din iPhone-uri si tablete iPad, insa e putin probabil ca o colaborare sa aiba loc pentru chip-uri. Qualcomm colaboreaza cu multi producatori de terminale Android, Apple nu ar dori sa le implementeze chip-urile in iDevice-uri si din moment ce Apple este capabila sa isi dezvolte propriile chip-uri, nu prea vad de ce ar alege Qualcomm.
This post was last modified on ian. 25, 2013, 5:55 PM 17:55