UPDATE: jOBS – interpretarea lui Ashton Kutcher si un prim review

  Aseara la Sundance Film Festival 2013 filmul jOBS a fost prezentat pentru prima oara audientei adunate pentru a vedea daca Ashton Kutcher a fost capabil sa readuca la viata o legenda a industriei IT din SUA. Cei de la TNW au fost prezenti, au vazut filmul si au ramas placut impresionati de interpretarea facuta de Kutcher. Filmul incepe cu scena prezentarii primului iPod, iar Ashton Kutcher pare sa fi fost alegerea potrivita pentru rol, el reusind in mare parte sa il reproduca aproape fidel pe Steve Jobs pe intreaga durata a filmului.

  Din pacate din pelicula lipsesc multe momente importante, cum ar fi cel in care Jobs a mers la Xerox si a vazut mouse-ul, insa filmul acopera cateva decenii din viata fostului CEO Apple, deci era normal sa nu vedem totul. In mare, jOBS se anunta a fi un film foarte interesant si va recomand sa cititi review-ul de aici pentru a afla mai multe detalii.

UPDATE: Iata alte cateva review-uri ale celor care au vazut pelicula.


While “jOBS” fawns over subject, film falls flat
Others will write of the things “jOBS” omits, gets wrong, or simply avoids. My primary disappointment was in how shallow the film felt, given the extensive historical record. In the early days Jobs’ co-workers had to wrestle with a man who smelled bad, who cried often, who yelled constantly, who missed deadlines, who overspent his budget by millions. He did it in service of products we love and use daily, and yet his obsessions took a toll on those around him. It also inspired others to do the best work of their lives, pushing themselves further than they ever imagined they can go. There is great drama to be found in all that, but it is not to be found in the saccharine “jOBS.” 

Cinema Blend:

Ashton Kutcher Does Well, But The Movie Fails To Think Different
After 10 days of watching Sundance films that wholly reject traditional Hollywood formulas, it’s exhausting to see the work Joshua Michael Stern does here, leaning heavily on an overbearing score and soft lighting and scenes that lay out the film’s themes as broadly as a corporate presentation. The Steve Jobs of this movie, who’s constantly berating his employees to come up with something better than the status quo, would have hated the pat sentiments and dull direction of jOBS. Apple urged people to think different. jOBS does anything but. 

Mercury News:

Kutcher, himself a well-known Silicon Valley impresario in social networks, does competent work of replicating Jobs’ moves, from his walk to his wiry, toothless grin. In fact, from the neck up, Kutcher bears a remarkable resemblance to the Apple founder throughout Jobs’ career (though Kutcher is much too tall). But what Kutcher can’t seem to nail is that spark of creativity and foresight that elevated Jobs as a great entrepreneur. Most of that fault doesn’t lie with Kutcher, but with director Joshua Michael Stern (“Swing Vote”), who never gives his actor the scene that conveys Jobs’ soul and creative skill, instead opting to focus on his well-known temper and corporate backstabbing


Ashton Kutcher Plays Steve Jobs, But We Don’t Get To Know Steve Jobs
Apple fans are going to be very mixed on Jobs. On one hand here’s the story they’ve been dying to see, on screen, and it looks great. But the film feels slight because it tries to do too much. The effort is there and the film is entertaining, but it’s feels like the PC version of the story instead of the Apple. /Film rating: 5.5 out of 10.


Ashton Kutcher Does A Solid Steve in ‘jOBS,’ But Is This Tame Biopic a Lost Cause From the Start?
As a whole, the movie inevitably suffers from comparison to “The Social Network,” another recent biopic about cutthroat tech innovators that’s superior in every way. The David Fincher-directed movie burrowed inside the essence of competitive young brilliance and triumphantly explored how inspired minds engage in endless competition. “jOBS” renders the same forces through the Apple founder’s ongoing persistence without a modicum of depth. “We gotta risk everything,” Jobs tells his team early on. The movie could have taken that advice; the problem with “jOBS” is that it plays too safe. Criticwire grade: C+

This post was last modified on ian. 26, 2013, 10:59 AM 10:59

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