Tweak-urile din Cydia ar trebui sa functioneze fara probleme cu ecranul iPhone 5, unele aplicatii trebuie actualizate

  Avand in vedere ca lansarea solutiei de jailbreak pentru iOS 6.1 se apropie rapid, multi utilizatori se intreaba ce aplicatii sau tweak-uri vor functiona fara probleme pe noul ecran de 4 inch al terminalului iPhone 5. Avand in vedere ca aplicatiile pentru iOS trebuie actualizate pentru a functiona pe noul ecran, aplicatiile din Cydia trebuie sa treaca prin acelasi proces, insa in cazul tweak-urilor lucrurile sunt diferite. Raspunzand unor comentarii pe Reddit, saurik(creatorul Cydia) a afirmat

ca tweak-urile ar trebui sa functioneze cu ecranul terminalului, in principal deoarece ele practic modifica functionalitatea iOS-ului sau a aplicatiilor, deci functionalitatea lor depinde de ceea ce ele modifica.

Usually new firmware causes more serious problems than new hardware; in the case of a slightly-taller-but-still-largely-the-same-thing screen, most packages in Cydia don’t really have normal “app” UIs: they are extensions that modify functionality of other things, and so aren’t affected. The main things that come to mind are things like biteSMS, WinterBoard, iFile, and Cydia itself, all of which are trivial modifications to take up the new vertical height (in fact, for at least WinterBoard, iFile, and Cydia, I believe it is just “throw a new Default.png in the folder and you’re good to go”, as they all do programmatic layout).

  Tweak-urile in sine nu trebuie actualizate pentru a functiona pe noua rezolutie, aplicatiile au nevoie de modificari si tweak-urile vor functiona fara probleme, indiferent de conditii.

Instead, it is more “not much stuff works on iOS 6” that is the key problem, but that is always the case when a new jailbreak comes out. If anything, that will be less the case this time than in previous cases, as many developers that work on the “harder stuff” have been working on upgrading their software anyway for iOS 6, as there are already jailbreaks for it on other devices.

This post was last modified on ian. 28, 2013, 8:27 PM 20:27

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