Steve Wozniak considera ca Apple “pierde teren” pe piata smartphone-urilor

  Steve Wozniak este unul dintre co-fondatorii Apple si a fost un prieten apropiat al lui Steve Jobs, insa asta nu l-a oprit din a critica Apple in momentele in care a simtit nevoia sa faca acest lucru. Intr-un interviu acordat recent unui ziar din Germania, Wozniak a afirmat ca Apple incepe sa piarda teren pe piata smartphone-urilor, stagnand, in timp ce competitorii sai direct aduc pe piata produse foarte bune, dar mai important, reusesc sa implementeze in ele functii disponibile in iDevice-uri, dar si alte functii noi, care nu se regasesc in produsele Apple.

I am proud that we have such loyal fans. But this loyalty is not given, the need to have the best products is always there. Currently we are in my opinion somewhat behind with features in the smartphone business. Others have caught up. Samsung is a big competitor. But precisely because they are currently making great products. The launch of a new Apple product is for me like a big, major concert which you absolutely must attend personally. It’s history. Sure, I could order online or call the store manager so that they smuggled me in the back door. But that would be nothing. No, I will have the experience like any normal customer. But one thing is certain. If Apple made lousy products, I would not be in line.

  Desi critica Apple pentru lipsa de inovatie, el sustine ca produsele companiei din Cupertino sunt in continuare grozave si ca daca Apple nu ar produce produse bune, el nu ar fi prezent la lansarile acestora. El cumpara fiecare iDevice nou din magazinele Apple si prefera sa aiba experienta unui client normal cand face o achizitie, refuzand sa profite de statutul sau de co-fondator si inca angajat al companiei Apple. Steve Wozniak este un caracter aparte al industriei IT din SUA, are intotdeauna pareri pertinente si nu se fereste sa critice orice companie, indiferent ce produse face.

This post was last modified on feb. 7, 2013, 7:33 PM 19:33

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