Nearly seven million iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners have cracked Apple’s restrictions on their devices using the jailbreaking tool Evasi0n since the tool was released Monday morning, according to the latest count from Jay Freeman. As of Thursday night, Freeman’s alternative app store had received visits from 5.15 million iPhones, 1.35 million iPads, and 400,000 iPod touches that were jailbroken with evasi0n, the first jailbreaking software for the iPhone 5 and iOS 6.1.
Acum doar doua zile 4 milioane de terminale facusera jailbreak folosind evasi0n, insa numarul utilizatorilor care folosesc solutia este in continua crestere si perioada lunga de asteptare pare sa fi generat atat de mult interes. evasi0n a fost lansata la 136 de zile dupa lansarea iOS 6, Absinthe 1.0 fiind lansata la 98 de zile dupa iOS 5, prima solutie de jailbreak pentru iPhone 4 fiind lansata la 38 de zile dupa terminal, iar in cazul iPhone 3GS diferenta a fost de doar 18 zile. Este clar ca pe masura ce iOS-ul evolueaza, solutiile de jailbreak se dezvolta din ce in ce mai greu, insa ele nu vor disparea.
Tutorial de untethered jailbreak folosind evasi0n gasiti aici.