iOS 6.1 a fost lansat acum aproape 2 saptamani de zile de catre Apple si desi initial putina lume s-a plans despre existenta vreunor probleme cu functiile sale, iata ca acum incep sa apara din ce in ce mai multe informatii. Pentru inceput va spun ca Vodafone UK a trimis un mesaj clientilor sai posesori de terminale iPhone 4S, recomandandu-le sa evite update-ul la iOS 6.1 deoarece acesta le-ar afecta conectivitatea 3G. Vodafone afirma ca utilizatorii care au iOS 6.1 si folosesc iPhone-urile in propria retea, au probleme in a se conecta la internet, a face apeluri sau trimite mesaje, totul are legatura cu iOS 6.1, iar Apple incearca sa rezolve problema, iOS 6.1.1 beta 1 putand fi special conceput in acest sens.
Some customers may occasionally experience difficulty in connecting to the network to make or receive calls or texts or to connect to the Internet. Apple is working on a solution to their software issue. These connection problems are intermittent. While Apple’s investigations continue, we would recommend that anyone who has not yet installed iOS 6.1 on their iPhone 4s should delay doing so until Apple has confirmed that their problem has been fixed.
Separat de problemele cu 3G-ul, pe forumurile de discutii ale Apple exista numeroase persoane care se plang din cauza reducerii substantiale a autonomiei bateriei iDevice-urilor dupa instalarea iOS 6.1. Problema pare sa aiba legatura cu Apple Mail si Microsoft Exchange, aceste doua sisteme cauzand o functionalitate neobisnuita a software-ului, rezultatul final fiind o scadere neasteptata a autonomiei. Restore-ul iDevice-urilor si evitarea instalarii unui backup pare sa fi rezolvat problema pentru unii, deci stiti cum puteti readuce totul la normal daca aveti probleme.
I went to see the genius’ yesterday. My problem was that my usage was almost identical to my stand by times, which means that something was continuing to run in the background after closing all the apps. I was told to turn off location services and then one by one turn each in turn to see which one was causing the drain on the battery. I was impatient so just factory reset the handset which seems to have fixed the problem. I’ll keep you all posted on how it continues.
This post was last modified on feb. 9, 2013, 8:52 AM 08:52