In late December, our research uncovered iPhones in different screen sizes for potential launch in May/June, allowing Apple to better bifurcate the market and pave the way for a lower-priced iPhone. We believe a $250 to $300 price point for a lower-priced iPhone would make sense and 58% below the $649 price point for an unlocked 16GB iPhone 5. A $250-$300 price range would also be competitive with China-based Xiaomi that offers a high-end phone experience at a mid- range price of ~$320 in Chinas.
Pentru Apple lansarea unui terminal ieftin ar insemna si o reducere a profitului generat de vanzarea sa, insa vanzand mai multe dispozitive, compania ar putea genera incasari insemnate, chiar si la un pret mic. Practic Apple trebuie sa aiba capacitatea de a produce multe iPhone-uri ieftine inainte de a lansa pe piata un asemenea dispozitiv si deocamdata ea are probleme in a produce indeajuns de multe unitati ale modelelor vechi, cel putin aceasta este situatia lansarii unui model nou.
For example, we estimate that Apple was unable to address at least 60% of the smartphone market in 2012 (not to mention the feature phone market) due to the high price point of the iPhone, while we believe a high percentage of the annual smartphone unit growth of 688 million between 2012 and 2016 units (i.e., from 717.5 million to 1.4 billion) as estimated by IDC, will be outside of the high end market. The case would be an interesting area of cost savings with a lower priced material (e.g., plastic) versus the aluminum unibody casing on the iPhone 5, while adding colors to excite consumers.
Nu ar fi exclus ca Apple sa lanseze un iPhone ieftin in vara impreuna cu iPhone 5S, insa deocamdata avem doar zvonuri si nimic 100% sigur.
This post was last modified on feb. 11, 2013, 4:11 PM 16:11