The high-end smartphone market is finite, and iPhone’s extraordinary success is driving it very quickly toward saturation, in our view. However, we believe the company would be much better served by continuing to focus on capturing and maintaining share of the most profitable customers in the world rather than moving down market, even if it means sacrificing unit and revenue growth.
In al doilea rand, brandul Apple ar risca sa se dilueze, transformandu-se dintr-unul premium, intr-unul al produselor accesibile. Pe termen lung, schimbarea perceptiei utilizatorilor in legatura cu brandul Apple ar putea avea efecte negative, clientii dispusi sa plateasca 700$ pe un iPhone 5 putand lua decizia de a achizitiona un iPhone ieftin in schimb, sau de a achizitiona un terminal al concurentei. Desi un iPhone ieftin ar putea creste semnificativ vanzarile de smartphone-uri Apple, problema este ca pe termen lung compania ar putea pierde mult mai mult.
This post was last modified on feb. 12, 2013, 8:51 AM 08:51