Apple’s iPhone 5 sales are “decelerating faster than expected,” says Jefferies analyst Peter Misek in a new note this morning. He says that Apple has cut its build orders to 30 million, down from 40 million. He does caution that, “suppliers seem to be prepping for iPhone 5S builds to start in March.” So part of the slow down in iPhone 5 builds is because of the next iPhone coming in a few months.
Ca de obicei, vorbim doar despre zvonuri si reducerea numarului de terminale iPhone comandate de la parteneri nu trebuie interpretata in vreun fel, insa nu ar fi exclus ca in martie iPhone 5S sa intre in proces de productie, iar in iunie sa fie disponibil in magazine. In ceea ce priveste noul terminal, el ar urma sa aiba acelasi design/ecran precum iPhone 5, ar urma sa aiba un chip A7 cu procesor si chip grafic mai bune, ar putea avea o camera de 13 megapixeli sau tot o camera de 8 megapixeli dar cu un senzor mai bun, restul noutatilor ramanand deocamdata un mister.
This post was last modified on feb. 13, 2013, 6:00 PM 18:00