The Country Fire Authority in Victoria has blamed Apple for reportedly dangerous deficiencies in the maps on its FireReady bushfire information app for iPhone and iPad. The FireReady app was forced to use Apple Maps, CFA said, but the maps were inaccurate and “Macedon and a number of other Victorian towns are located incorrectly”. This makes it very difficult to quickly determine the exact location of fires once alarm calls are being received. Users report that towns are located on their maps at the centre of the district rather than on the actual township itself.
Problema este ca utilizatorii raportau existenta unor incendii in imediata lor vecinatate folosind acea aplicatie, insa inexactitatile din sistem le dadeau pompierilor coordonate gresite care nu ii ghidau exact catre locul in care se afla incendiul. Desi pompierii au incercat sa discute cu Apple despre problemele aplicatiei, subsidiara din Australia nu le-a fost de prea mare ajutor, recomandandu-le sa raporteze erorile direct in aplicatie, lucru pe care toata lumea este incurajata sa il faca.
“One of the problems with Apple Maps is that they don’t show the names of cities and townships at all times,” said Theunissen. “This makes it very difficult to quickly determine the exact location of fires once alarm calls are being received. This creates potentially dangerous situations and delays to activate phone trees if required.”
Din pacate pentru Apple, Australia a fost tara in care au existat cele mai mari probleme, compania amanand chiar includerea sistemului de navigatie turn-by-turn din cauza greutatii cu care functiona el acolo.
This post was last modified on feb. 13, 2013, 8:57 AM 08:57