RingerX Lite este versiunea gratuita si cu mai putine functii a tweak-ului RingerX VIP, ea fiind publicata in Cydia in ideea de a ajuta utilizatorii sa descopere functionalitatea tweak-ului si de a il cumpara. RingerX VIP va ofera accesa la o multitudine de setari prin care puteti personaliza tonurile de apel si vibratiile pentru apeluri, mesaje text, MMS-uri, email-uri sau alte notificari, astfel incat puteti sti oricand cine va suna, indiferent daca acel apel vine de la un contact, un numar necunoscut, sau un numar pe care nu doriti sa il acceptati.
RingerX VIP ne permite sa implementam aceste modificari atat pentru agenda de contacte, cat si pentru numerele care nu sunt listate, el contine si o functie care ne permite sa programam o perioada de timp in care iDevice-ul va avea sonorul inchis, iar lista poate continua. RingerX Lite
nu are aceeasi functionalitate, el poate implementa doar maxim 3 modificari/actiuni pentru fiecare contact, nu are functia de oprire a sonorului, nu permite setarea de tonuri de apel si vibratii personalizate pentru numerele necunoscute, insa era normal sa fie asa.RingerX Lite este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia, iar RingerX VIP costa 2.99$.
Compatible with iOS 6.x. This is the lite version of RingerX VIP. Customize ringing and vibration behavior of: Calls, Text Messages, MMSs, Emails and Notifications. Make your phone ring for certain contacts and apps even if your device is muted; or silent them forever. Assign tones and vibrations to notifications on an per app basis. Among other limitations, the Lite version is missing the awesome Temporary Mute feature which can be used to mute your devise for exactly the time you want.
Many more features:
- Create new Vibrations in an easy way
For Notifications of Apps
- Custom tones
- Custom vibrations
- Always Silent
- Ignore Mute
- Always Vibrate
- Settings in Preferences.app
For Contacts and Groups
- Always Silent
- Custom volume for when ringer is enabled
- Ignore if your iPhone is muted
- Custom volume if the mute state is being ignored
- Always Vibrate
- Custom vibrations for calls and messages + emails
- Assing individual tones
Create settings for blocked/anonymous phone numbers
- Fully integrates into iOS
- Full support for unified/linked Contacts
- Settings in the Phone and Contacts application
- Indicators to easily find important settings
- Section in Preferences.app with further information
- SBSettings Toggle
This post was last modified on feb. 17, 2013, 9:20 AM 09:20