Apple sustine ca a fost atacata de hackeri si ca Mac-urile unor angajati au fost exploatate

  Zilele trecute compania Facebook a confirmat faptul ca serverele sale au fost atacate de hackeri, iar astazi cei de la Apple au confirmat acelasi lucru, afirmand totusi ca intrusii nu au compromis date din Mac-urile aflate in sediul sau. Compania sustine ca un numar mic de Mac-uri detinute de catre angajatii sai au fost exploatate de catre hackeri, insa se pare ca nu ar fi fost copiate informatii din ele. Pentru a proteja consumatorii impotriva acestui gen de atacuri, Apple va lansa un software in cursul zilei de astazi, acesta fiind desigur dedicat doar posesorilor de Mac-uri.

Apple Inc computers were attacked by the same hackers who targeted Facebook Inc, but no data appeared to have been stolen, the company said on Tuesday in an unprecedented admission of a widespread cyber-security breach. Apple, which is working with law enforcement to track down the hackers, told Reuters that only a small number of its employees’ Macintosh computers were breached, but “there was no evidence that any data left Apple.” The iPhone and iPad maker said it would release a software tool later on Tuesday to protect customers against the malicious software used in the attacks.

  Aceasta este probabil prima oara cand Apple confirma faptul ca Mac-urile propriilor angajati au fost accesate de catre hackeri, insa era normal sa afirme ca din ele nu au fost copiate date. In cursul acestei nopti va fi publicat si programul despre care vorbesc cei de la Reuters si probabil atunci vom afla despre ce fel de vulnerabilitate este vorba.

UPDATE: Se pare ca la baza atacului a fost o vulnerabilitate a unui Java plugin, Java fiind o enorma sursa de probleme pentru posesorii de PC-uri.

Apple has identified malware which infected a limited number of Mac systems through a vulnerability in the Java plugin for browsers. The malware was employed in an attack against Apple and other companies, and was spread through a website for software developers. We identified a small number of systems within Apple that were infected and isolated them from our network. There is no evidence that any data left Apple. We are working closely with law enforcement to find the source of the malware.

This post was last modified on feb. 19, 2013, 8:59 PM 20:59

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