Companies such as Inc. and Google Inc. “all have great ideas, but sometimes you need a critical mass of loyal users that will instantly buy and go this direction,” Wozniak said in an interview at Bloomberg’s Berlin office this week. “Apple is really good at setting a standard with a new device. Apple still has its halo in that regard.” “We used to have these ads, I’m a Mac and I’m a PC, and the Mac was always the cool guy,” he said. “And ouch, it’s painful, because we kind of are losing that.”“Apple can keep engineers working so intently toward the right product, you don’t have to rush something out ahead of time,” he said.
Apple este genul de companie care stabileste standarde in industria terminalelor mobile si nu numai, pana in prezent majoritatea competitorilor au fost nevoiti sa implementeze functii asemanatoare cu cele ale iDevice-urilor pentru a ramane competitivi, insa in lipsa inovatiei acest lucru nu va dura foarte mult. In ultimii ani Apple nu a implementat foarte multe lucruri cu adevarat importante in terminalele sale, iar iPhone 5S nu pare sa fie o exceptie, desi Apple poate sa ne surprinda cu destule lucruri frumoase in vara. Chiar si asa, Apple are din nou nevoie de produse “iconice”, precum a fost iPhone 4 la vremea sa, sau de produse cu adevarat inovatoare, cum a fost primul iPhone, altfel risca sa se piarda in conglomeratul de producatori de terminale mobile.
This post was last modified on feb. 20, 2013, 5:58 PM 17:58