File Extractor promite sa extraga aproape orice fisiere din arhivele descarcate in iDevice-ul tau

  File Extractor este o aplicatie pentru iDevice-urile noastre care promite sa faca tot ceea ce iOS-ul in mod normal nu poate. Mai exact, cu ajutorul acestei aplicatii putem dezarhiva arhive, o functie pe care iOS-ul nu o poate intreprinde, deoarece Apple nu permite acest lucru. Folosind File Extractor putem dezarhiva ZIP, RAR, 7-ZIP sau TAR, si nu conteaza in ce aplicatie sunt disponibile respectivele arhive, ele fiind automat transferate si deschise in File Extractor folosind sistemul Open With.. implementat de catre Apple in iOS.

Extract the contents of ZIP, RAR, 7-ZIP, and TAR compressed files directly on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. What you can do with File Extractor:

  • Accept compressed archives from any other app, including Mail, Safari, and Dropbox.
  • Browse and view the contents of compressed files on the fly without having to uncompress the entire archive.
  • Use the built-in viewer for common files.
  • Extract files to view or edit in third-party apps.
  • Open password-protected ZIP and RAR files.
  • Save photos and videos to the Camera Roll.
  • Send files as email attachments.
  • Print your files with AirPrint.
  • Send/receive files in real time using the iTunes File Sharing (over WiFi or using a USB cable).

  File Extractor este disponibila in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
File Extractor



Developer: Delite Studio S.r.l.
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: Extract the contents of ZIP, RAR, 7-ZIP, and TAR compressed files directly on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

What you can do with File Extractor:

Accept compressed archives from any other app, inclu…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 2.7 Mb

This post was last modified on feb. 21, 2013, 5:03 PM 17:03

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