LockMemosPlus este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti afisa alerte personalizate in LockScreen-ul iDevice-urilor voastre. Folosind tweak-ul va puteti reaminti ca trebuie sa va incarcati terminalul, sau ca ati uitat sa activati sunetele in iOS, aceste alerte fiind afisate automat de catre iOS in baza setarilor alese de catre voi. In mare, LockMemos afiseaza in LockScreen acelasi tip de notificari precum aplicatia Reminders, de exemplu, exceptie facand alertele afisate pentru actiunile din iOS.
Set alerts to remind you of important tasks or info each time you wake up your device or each time you unlock it. This is an enhanced version of the LockMemos tweak with new features. As well as setting your own memos, automatic alerts can be set to remind you:
- to charge your device when the battery falls below a certain level
- that your ringer is set to silent (or that it’s switched on if you prefer)
You can turn off the “Memo” title on alerts if you don’t like it.
LockMemos este disponibil la pretul de 0.99$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.