Adobe Photoshop Touch for phone pentru iPhone a fost lansata in App Store (Video)


  Anul trecut Adobe lansa in App Store aplicatia Photoshop Touch care era compatibila cu tabletele iPad, iar in cursul noptii trecute Adobe Photoshop Touch for phone a fost lansata in App Store si Google Play, iar este compatibila cu iPhone-ul si smartphone-urile Android. In mare, versiunea pentru smartphone-uri aduce cam tot ceea ce gaseati deja in versiunea pentru tablete, insa partea proasta este ca Adobe nu a facut o aplicatie universala care sa le combine pe cele doua, ci le vinde separat.

Bring the fun and creative possibilities of Adobe® Photoshop® software to your iPhone and iPod Touch with Adobe Photoshop Touch. Transform your images with core Photoshop features. Combine images, apply professional effects, and share results with friends and family through Facebook and Twitter — all from the convenience of your iPhone and iPod Touch. Enjoy most of the same features as the iPad version:

  • Use popular Photoshop features, such as layers, selection tools, adjustments, and filters, to create mind-blowing images.
  • Improve your photos using classic Photoshop features to bring out the best in your photography. Apply precise tone and color adjustments to your entire composition, a particular layer, or a select area.
  • Create something other-worldly using painting effects, filter brushes, and so much more. With Photoshop Touch, the creative possibilities are endless.
  • Make your images pop with graphical text. Apply strokes, add drop shadows and fades, and more.
  • Take advantage of your device’s camera to fill an area on a layer with the unique Camera Fill feature.
  • Quickly combine images together. Select part of an image to extract just by scribbling with the Scribble Selection tool. With the Refine Edge feature, use your fingertip to easily capture hard-to-select image elements, like hair.
  • Start a project on your iPhone or iPod Touch and finish it on your iPad* or back in Photoshop** at your desk using a free membership to Adobe Creative Cloud™.*** Your projects are automatically synced between your devices.
  • Free membership to Creative Cloud provides 2GB of cloud storage.
  • Work on high-resolution images while maintaining the highest image quality. Images up to 12 megapixels are supported.

  Practic aplicatia contine functiile de baza ale Photoshop-ului si va da posibilitatae de a edita rapid si intr-un mod oarecum profesional imaginile din iDevice-urile voastre, iar daca doriti puteti sa transferati rapid totul pe un calculator. Aceasta operatiune necesita utilizarea sistemului Adobe Cloud Drive, care este accesibil in baza unui abonament. Adobe Photoshop Touch for phone este disponibila la pretul de 4.49€ in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Adobe Photoshop Touch for phone



Developer: Adobe Systems, Inc.
Categoria: Photo & Video

Descriere: Bring the fun and creative possibilities of Adobe Photoshop software to your iPhone and iPod Touch with Adobe Photoshop Touch.

Transform your images with core Photoshop features. Combine images, apply pro…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 30.7 Mb