QuickShoot iti permite sa faci rapid poze printr-o dubla apasare a iconitei camerei

  QuickShoot este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem face rapid poze folosind iDevice-urile noastre. Tweak-ul ne da posibilitatea de a face poze facand o dubla apasare a iconitei Camera din Springboard, acest lucru permitandu-ne sa surprindem momentene car ein general sunt ratate in procesul de a deschide camera terminalelor. Din pacate nu vom vedea un preview al pozei, iar grabberul din Lockscreen nu va face o poza la o dubla apasare, insa partea buna este ca in viitor vom avea posibilitatea de a seta optiuni precum posibilitatea de a folosi flash-ul, de a face focus sau de a seta expunerea.

Double tap the Camera icon on the home screen, not the lockscreen. Requires iOS 6 or higher. Take a photo with a quick double tap of the camera icon. This tweak does not show a preview of the image you are going to be taking, it is built for speed, so you won’t have to miss out on those great opportunities because you were waiting for the Camera app to launch. Compatible with iPhone and iPad. Options like Flash, Focus, Exposure will be added in a future update.

  QuickShoot este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia si poate fi accesat urmand acest link.

This post was last modified on mart. 1, 2013, 9:36 AM 09:36

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