PodSwitcher este un nou tweak lansat in Cydia special pentru toti cei care asculta in mod constant muzica folosind aplicatia Music a iOS 6 si nu doresc sa o acceseze pentru a schimba o melodie sau cauta un album. Tweak-ul implementeaza in task switcher un buton care de indata ce este apasat deschide in spatiul de deasupra task switcher-ului o interfata in care avem toate butoanele pentrua controla modul in care ascultam muzica, un buton de partajare prin Twitter si un carusel cu albumele melodiilor disponibile in aplicatia Music.
Requires iOS 6 or higher. Not yet Compatible with iPad or iTunes Match. Works perfectly with Auxo & Zephyr! PodSwitcher Supercharges the AppSwitcher Music Controls. PodSwitcher enables you to access your complete ipod library right from the AppSwitcher so you never have to quit your work or game just to change songs! Simply launch PodSwitcher through your AppSwitcher to access your iPod Library which is arranged in a beautiful Carousel sorted by Songs, Artists, Albums & Playlists. For example you are playing a game and you want to listen to a specific song, without leaving your current progress just launch PodSwitcher and select your song!
Putem sa navigam printre preview-urile acelor albume pentru a gasi ceea ce ne intereseaza, butoanele de control ne permit sa manipulam aplicatia Music, iar in mijlocul lor se regaseste un progress bar care ne spune ce procent din melodie a rulat pana acum. PodSwitcher este foarte interesant si foarte util in acelasi timp, el oferindu-ne o metoda foarte complexa de a controla aplicatia Music fara a o deschide efectiv.
PodSwitcher este disponibil la pretul de 1.5$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
You can also Toggle Shuffle & repeat, Fast Forward or Rewind songs, view the Now playing songs lyrics, tweet about it, view extra info about the now playing song like Genre, Album Artist, Last Played, Right from PodSwitcher! Configure options from Settings app.
This post was last modified on mart. 7, 2013, 8:50 AM 08:50