Microsoft incearca sa breveteze tehnologia pinch to zoom care a fost deja brevetata de catre Apple

  Tehnologia pinch to zoom reprezinta una dintre acele functii iconice pe care iDevice-urile le au, o functie care face terminalele usor de recunoscut si motiveaza utilizatorii sa le achizitioneze. Desi Apple a brevetat aceasta tehnologie, oficiul pentru brevete de inventie si marci intentionand deocamdata fara succes sa o invalideze, cei de la Microsoft incearca sa faca acelasi lucru. Intr-un brevet de inventie recent introdus in SUA, cei de la Microsoft incearca practic sa breveteze ceea ce Apple are brevetat de ani de zile si totul fara niciun fel de remuscari.

In FIG. 2A, the display 208 displays a portion of the first page of the document. As evident, the mobile device is displaying the entirety of the chart which was present on page one, but not the entirety of the first page. In order to provide context for the user as to where they are within the content, the user canindicate a “pinching” motion for zooming out of the content. The pinching motion is illustrated in FIG. 2A as two dotted line circles 210a, 212a, which represent locations where the user is touching the touch screen, and simultaneously moving their fingers together. The application interprets this as a zoom-out indication. In FIG. 2B, the mobile device 202 then presents the document in display 214. As can be seen, the chart 110b is still present, but at a smaller size.

  Companiei Apple i-a fost inregistrat recent un nou brevet de inventie penrtru tehnologia pinch to zoom, deci miscarea celor de la Microsoft este extrem de bizara. Oficiul pentru brevete de inventie si marci a afirmat acum cateva luni ca brevetul de inventie pentru tehnologia pinch to zoom ar fi invalid, a dat o hotarare in acest sens, Apple a facut apel impotriva deciziei de invalidare, iar Microsoft probabil incearca sa inregistreze tehnologia daca ea va fi invalidata pentru Apple.

This post was last modified on mart. 9, 2013, 9:21 AM 09:21

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