Intel ar putea produce 10% din chip-urile A7 ale urmatoarelor iDevice-uri

  Saptamana trecuta v-am spus ca Apple si Intel au discutat posibilitatea incheierii unui acord pentru producerea de chip-uri ce ar urma sa fie implementate in viitoarele iDevice-uri. Desi deocamdata cele doua companii nu au incheiat vreo intelegere, iata ca din Asia aflam o veste interesanta legata de o posibila colaborare dintre cele doua companii. Se pare ca Intel ar putea obtine comenzi pentru a produce 10% din totalul chip-urilor A7 ce ar urma sa fie implementate in iDevice-uri, Samsung si TSMC fiind deasemenea interesate de contracte cu Apple.

According to institutional investors, Intel may obtain 10% of Apple’s A7 processor orders. The patent lawsuits between Samsung and Apple have been heating up, causing the latter to reduce its reliance on the former. Apple has been shifting orders of DRAM, mobile RAM chips and panels away from Samsung. Samsung used to be the sole OEM firm for Apple’s processors, but the latter has now begun to issue orders to other firms. TSMC has been said to become the second largest supplier for Apple’s A7 processors and production is reportedly to begin in 2014. But recent rumors have spread that Intel may also receive Apple’s orders. According to institutional investors, Samsung is likely to receive 50% of the A7 processor orders, TSMC 40%, and Intel 10%.

  Practic TSMC ar urma sa produca 40% dintre chip-urile A7, Samsung 50% si Intel ultimele 10 procente, insa deocamdata nimic nu este 100% sigur. Apple incearca sa renunte la Samsung pentru productia de chip-uri, deocamdata nu poate face acest lucru, insa pe viitor Samsung ar putea produce tot mai putine componente pentru iDevice-uri, asta doar daca Apple va reusi sa gaseasca inlocuitori potriviti nevoilor sale.

This post was last modified on mart. 12, 2013, 11:44 AM 11:44

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