Having exceeded even the crazy ambitious goals we dreamed of for Android—and with a really strong leadership team in place—Andy’s decided it’s time to hand over the reins and start a new chapter at Google. Andy, more moonshots please!nGoing forward, Sundar Pichai will lead Android, in addition to his existing work with Chrome and Apps. Sundar has a talent for creating products that are technically excellent yet easy to use—and he loves a big bet.
Decizia lui Rubin este interesanta si trebuie sa va aduc aminte ca anul trecut Scott Forstall a parasit conducerea echipei care dezvolta iOS-ul in cadrul Apple. Practic oamenii care au contribuit intr-o foarte mare masura la dezvoltarea celor mai utilizate sisteme de operare pentru terminale mobile au parasit functiile de conducere din cadrul companiilor la care erau angajati si se anunta lucruri interesante in viitor. Daca la Apple Jony Ive se va ocupa de iOS, la Google Sundar Pichai isi asuma un rol foarte important si va fi interesant de vazut cum va evolua Android-ul in viitor.
This post was last modified on mart. 13, 2013, 7:20 PM 19:20