Google, secondata de Motorola, si Apple au multe procese deschise in instante de pe intregul glob, insa intr-o intampinare formulata pentru unul din SUA, Google foloseste citate din biografia autorizata a lui Steve Jobs intr-o incercare de a obtine o interdictie de import pentru terminale iPhone. Procesul are la baza incalcarea unor brevete de inventie privind senzorii de proximitate, celor de la Google le-au fost deja respinse de doua ori pretentiile, insa asta nu ii opreste sa incerce in continuare prin alte metode.
Here, the technology of the ‘862 patent was recognized as a ‘breakthrough’ by none other than Apple’s former CEO (Mr. Steve Jobs). On cross examination, Apple’s expert, Mr. Lanning, could not deny that Mr. Jobs himself characterized the incorporation of a proximity sensor into the iPhone as a ‘breakthrough’ to his biographer, Walter Isaacson: ‘[a]nother breakthrough was the sensor that figured out when you put the phone to your ear, so that your lobes didn’t accidentally activate some function.’ […]
Brevetul companiei descrie sistemul care inchide ecranul cand ducem un iPhone la ureche in timpul unei convorbiri telefonice, totul in ideea de a impiedica atingerea accidentala a ecranului. Pentru ca initialele doua tentative de a bloca vanzarea de iPhone-uri au esuat, acum Google foloseste un citat din biografia autorizata a lui Jobs pentru a demonstra ca tehnoliogia este importanta. Jobs ar fi afirmat ca aceasta tehnologie ar fi revolutionara deoarece ar permite telefonului mobil sa stie cand este dus la ureche si sa inchida ecranul.
The sensor described by Mr. Jobs is the very technology that the ALJ found to infringe. […] And there can be no doubt that this passage refers to the technology of the ‘862 patent: it describes a sensor that prevents the inadvertent actuation of the phone when it is put to the user’s ear. The recognition that the invention of the ‘862 patent was a ‘breakthrough’ weighs heavily against a finding of obviousness, particularly since it came from Apple itself.
E greu de crezut ca un judecator poate interzice vanzarea iPhone-urilor in baza unor citate indirecte si fara o credibilitate reala, insa Google poate incerca orice.