THX actioneaza Apple in judecata in baza design-ului boxelor implementate in iPhone, iPad si Mac-uri

  Recentele produse lansate de catre compania Apple par sa imprumute cateva caracteristici ale unor design-ul brevetate de catre THX, cel putin asta sustin avocatii care reprezinta comnia intr-un proces intentat celor de la Apple. iPhone, iPad si Mac-urile lansate in ultimii ani au carcase foarte subtiri, iar asta sta practic la baza intregului proces, cei de la THX brevetand o tehnologie prin intermediul caruia boxele pot fi pozitionate pentru a emite eficient sunete prin asemenea locase.

A narrow profile speaker unit comprises at least one speaker outputting sound towards an internal surface and through a duct with an output terminus, such as a slot, having a narrow dimension, effectively changing the cross-section of the speaker’s audio output wave. A pair of speakers may face one another, outputting sound towards a common output slot. Multiple pairs of speakers may be used to form an inline speaker unit for increased sound output. A slotted speaker unit may include multiple speakers facing the same direction, towards a groundplane or reflecting surface, and having parallel apertures for allowing sound radiation. The speaker units may be integral with or attached to electronic appliances such as desktop computers or flatscreen devices, or may be used in automobiles or other contexts.

  THX a fost fondata de catre regizorul Star Wars, George Lucas, compania cerand in instanta o sistare a vanzarilor produselor despre care spune ca ii incalca brevetele si desigur oferirea de despagubiri pentru utilizarea fara drept a tehnologiei. E greu de spus ce sanse de castig au cei de la THX in momentul de fata, insa nu ar fi greu de crezut ca Apple le incalca brevetele de inventie si daca acest lucru este adevarat, atunci probabil Apple va fi nevoita sa plateasca despagubiri.

This post was last modified on mart. 17, 2013, 9:21 AM 09:21

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