Although both Google and Acer have claimed that Chromebooks are seeing better-than-expected acceptance, total sales of less than 500,000 units show that the devices still need a lot improvement, the sources said. Since Google will still need some time to integrate its software, while Chromebook only has a less than 1% share in the notebook market, the sources believe the strategy may not have a significant effect on the IT industry in the short term.
Principala problema a sistemului de operare sta in faptul ca el functioneaza doar in baza unei conexiuni de internet si are nevoie de aplicatii web pentru a fi utilizabil, comparatiile cu OS X sau Windows OS fiind de prisos. Google are foarte mari probleme in a convinge lumea ca un Chromebook merita cumpara si in lipsa unor schimbari majore exista putine sanse ca produsul sa devina popular rapid.