Voice Transfоrmer este o noua aplicatie pentru iDevice-uri lansata acum destul timp in App Store, iar cu ajutorul ei va puteti transforma vocea folosind sistemul gandit de catre dezvoltatori. Aplicatia este disponibila gratuit pentru o perioada limitata de timp in App Store si aceasta este o buna ocazie de a o descarca si de a benficia de functiile sale. Aplicatia va pune la dispozitie un sistem de inregistrare a vocii plus o serie de voci digitale care o schimba pe a voastra la selectare.
Professional application for your iPhone, iPod, iPad that will help you change your voice, making it unrecognizable! This high-quality application can make your voice sound like that of a chipmunk, alien, robot, gangster and a lot of other things and creatures. Thanks to its well-designed, easy-to-use animated interface, you can amuse your friends and have fun immediately after you install this application.
Voice Transfоrmer este disponibila gratuit in format universal in App Store.
Voice Transfоrmer
Descriere: Professional application for your iPhone, iPod, iPad that will help you change your voice, making it unrecognizable! This high-quality application can make your voice sound like that of a chipmunk, alien, …