In general, techniques are disclosed for using orientation information about an image capture device to either increase the speed or improve the resolution of AF operations. More particularly, orientation information such as that available from an accelerometer may be used to reduce the number of lens positions (points-of-interest, POI) used during an AF operation, thereby improving the operation’s speed. Alternatively, orientation information may be used to reduce the lens’ range of motion while maintaining the number of POI, thereby improving the operation’s resolution.
Focalizarea automata in timpul inregistrarii pozelor sau a clipurilor video este esentiala pentru inregistrarea de continut multimedia bun, iar Apple doreste sa le ofere utilizatorilor o experienta de utilizare cat mai buna. Combinand aceasta noua tehnica de focalizare cu un senzor de imagine mai bun, cei de la Apple ar putea dezvolta camere ale caror performante sa se apropie extrem de mult de cele ale terminalelor Nokia special construite in acest scop. Desi e putin probabil ca aceasta tehnologie sa ajunga in iPhone 5S, niimc nu este imposibil.
This post was last modified on mart. 28, 2013, 9:00 PM 21:00