In anul 2011 Apple a actualizat Final Cut Pro X stricand functionalitatea aplicatiei si ajungand sa infurie o buna parte dintre profesionsitii care foloseau programul pentru editare video. Clipul video de mai sus reprezinta cat se poate de bine tot raul pe care l-a facut Apple, iar asta a costat-o si o va costa foarte multi bani. Intr-o tentativa de a recastiga o parte din utilizatorii pierduti, Apple va lansa o noua campanie de promovare a software-ului si a actualizat aplicatia in cursul acestei zile. Final Cut Pro, Motion si Compressor au fost actualizate astazi, ele contin foarte multe noutati, insa sunt dedicate profesionistilor si preturile prohibitive demonstreaza acest lucru.
• Support for Sony XAVC codec up to 4K resolution
• Option to display ProRes Log C files from ARRI ALEXA cameras with standard Rec. 709 color and contrast levels
• Resolves an issue where some third-party effects generated green frames during render
• Resolves performance issues that could occur with certain titles and effects
• Time reversed clips render in the background
• Ability to use key commands to adjust Clip Appearance settings in the timeline
• Ability to view reel number metadata located in the timecode track of video files
• Mono audio files in a surround project export with correct volume levels
• Drop zones no longer reset to the first frame of video after application restart
• Fixes a performance issue which resulted from selecting multiple ranges on a single clip
• Fixes an issue where the Play Around function did not work properly on certain clips when viewed through external video devices
• Resolves an issue where some third-party effects generated green frames during render
• Resolves performance issues that could occur with certain titles and effects
• Fixes a stability issue when splitting layers in the timeline
• Fixes an issue where launching a plug-in with a check box could require multiple clicks
• Fixes a stability issue with CoreMelt plug-ins
• Removes 1GB file size limit for uploads to Vimeo
• Fixes a stability issue when playing back certain MPEG-2 files
• Fixes a stability issue in Qmaster when processing multiple jobs
This post was last modified on mart. 29, 2013, 9:38 AM 09:38