FINAL FANTASY V a fost lansat in App Store (Video)

  Daca sunteti un fan al seriei Final Fantasy, atunci va spun ca astazi cei de la Square Enix si-au facut curaj si au lansat FINAL FANTASY V in App Store. Daca ati jucat vreun alt titlu disponibil pentru platforma iOS, atunci veti sti ca acesta este scump, insa ofera un gameplay pe care fanii seriei il indragesc si sunt dispusi sa plateasca. Versiunea pentru iOS vine la doua decenii dupa lansarea celei originale, iar voi aveti controlul asupra a patru eroi care trebuie sa isi urmeze soarta si sa isi foloseasca puterile magice pentru a aduce pacea pe pamant.

Return to the classic medieval tale of magic, monsters and friendship with FINAL FANTASY V! Twenty years after the original FINAL FANTASY V released in Japan, the classic RPG has found its way to mobile devices! Embark on an epic adventure as four heroes driven together by fate: Bartz and his chocobo companion, Princess Lenna of Castle Tycoon, the mysterious Galuf, and the pirate captain Faris. The crystals that bring peace and prosperity to the world – earth, water, fire, and wind – have lost their power and are on the verge of destruction.

  FINAL FANTASY V este disponibil in format universal in App Store la pretul de 14.49€.

Pretul initial:



Developer: SQUARE ENIX Co., …
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Return to the classic medieval tale of magic, monsters and friendship with FINAL FANTASY V!

Twenty years after the original FINAL FANTASY V released in Japan, the classic RPG has found its way to mobile devices!

Embark on an epic adventure as four heroe…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 134.5 Mb

This post was last modified on mart. 28, 2013, 5:00 PM 17:00

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