Aplicatia oficiala a retelei de microblogging Twitter a fost actualizata in cursul acestei seri, versiunea 5.5 fiind disponibila pentru download prin intermediul App Store-ului celor de la Apple. Noua versiune a aplicatiei implementeaza noi metode de a descoperi instala si accesa aplicatiile favorite promovate prin interiorul tweet-urilor, are implementate imbunatatiri in ceea ce priveste performantele generale, are rezolvate cateva buguri ale versiunii anterioare si restul puteti vedea si voi in changelog-ul de mai jos :
Twitter for iPhone now helps you discover, install and launch your favorite apps from Tweets. This update also includes the following improvements:
• Faster launch times and general performance upgrades
• “Retweeted by” in Tweet detail is now tappable
• Fix for reply-to-self in conversations
• Fix for bug that prevented undoing retweets in some cases
Twitter pentru iOS este disponibila gratuit in App Store.
Descriere: With Twitter, you can watch the world unfold like never before.
Get real-time stories, pictures, videos, conversations, ideas, and inspiration all in your timeline.
Follow people and your interests t…