Apple a pierdut acum cateva luni de zile un proces intentat de catre compania VirnetX, iar in afara platirii a aproape 370 de milioane de dolari drept despagubiri, compania va trebui sa lanseze iOS 6.1.4 pentru a modifica functionalitatea sistemului VPN din iOS. Apple a publicat astazi un document in care specifica faptul ca functia VPN on Demand va functiona diferit pe toate terminalele care au macar iOS 6.1 instalat. Mai exact, Apple urmeaza sa lanseze iOS 6.1.4 in cursul acestei luni si va modifica functia VPN pentru a nu permite coenctarea automata decat in anumite conditii pe care le aveti specificate mai jos.
Due to a lawsuit by VirnetX, Apple will be changing the behavior of VPN On Demand for iOS devices using iOS 6.1 and later. Devices using iOS 6.1 and later with VPN On Demand configured to “Always” will behave as if they were configured with the “Establish if needed” option. The device will establish a VPN On Demand connection only if it is unable to resolve the DNS name of the host it is trying to reach. This change will be distributed in an update later this month.
If the name of a host can be resolved without a VPN connection, you may see one of the following behaviors:
- If the host is a web server that presents different content to internal and external users, the VPN On Demand connection will not be established and you will see the external content.
- If the host is a web or mail server that has a name that can be resolved externally but cannot be contacted externally, the VPN On Demand connection will not be established and you will not be able to connect to the server.
- If you are using a public DNS service that provides an alternative IP address for hosts that it cannot resolve, the VPN On Demand connection will not be established and you will not be able to connect to the server.
- If you are using a VPN configuration that includes wildcard entries (such as *.com) that match top-level domains that are publicly accessible, the VPN On Demand connection will not be established when you contact hosts in those domains
Modificarea este facuta de catre Apple deoarece compania nu doreste sa licentieze tehnologia celor de la VirnetX, insa probabil pana la lansarea iOS 7 va gasi o solutie intermediara pentru a oferi VPN On Demand fara limitari tuturor utilizatorilor.