OpenSignal este o aplicatie lansata in cursul zilei de ieri in App Store, iar rolul sau este de a ne ajuta sa descoperim zonele din preajma noastra in care gasim cea mai buna acoperire GSM/Wi-Fi. Aplicatia foloseste date anonime colectate de la utilizatori, iar in baza lor genereaza ahrti in care afiseaza cu diverse culori locatiile in care ar trebui sa avem cel mai bun semnal GPRS/EDGE/3G/4G, dar si zonele in care se regasesc Wi-Fi HotSpot-uri care au semnal indeajuns de puternic pentru a ne oferi conectivitate decenta pentru navigarea pe internet.
OpenSignal is the ultimate Wi-Fi and signal-finder toolkit. Help contribute to our impartial maps of wireless hotspots by using our app to improve your connectivity. Based on our community-generated data we are able to help keep you better connected by giving you a practical solution to the problems of slow mobile internet and dropped calls. Simply follow our signal compass to walk towards better phone signal or see our in-app coverage maps to work out which carrier is best for where you are, especially useful if you’re thinking about making a change. Our Wi-Fi maps help you to find local public-access wireless networks, helpful if you’re travelling abroad or just want to find a local cafe with free wifi.
- Signal compass points you in the direction your signal is coming from, just walk towards it!
- Wi-FI map allows you to easily locate nearby public networks.
- Coverage maps allow you see the best places for signal.
- Speedtest feature allows you to see the true speed of your connection.
- NetworkRank allows you to see which carrier is best in your area.
- See a map of local cell towers.
- Help improve our coverage and wifi maps.
- Share your findings on twitter and Facebook and compare your connection with other users.
OpenSignal afiseaza pe harta cele mai apropiate celule de telefonie mobila, dar si Wi-Fi HotSpot-urile publice, insa avand in vedere ca informatiile sunt colectate de la utilizatori, ne putem astepta lsa existenta unor probleme mai mult sau mai putin deranjante/importante. Ca sa fiu sincer, cred ca aplicatia este una dintre cele mai utile lansate vreodata in App Store-ul companiei Apple si avand in vedere ca este disponibila gratuit, va recomand sa o testati fara a mai sta pe ganduri.
Descriere: OpenSignal is the ultimate Wi-Fi and signal-finder toolkit. Help contribute to our impartial maps of wireless hotspots by using our app to improve your connectivity.
Based on our community-generated data…