Apple breveteaza un sistem care le permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa initieze apeluri FaceTime sau convorbiri audio in jocuri

  Game Center este unul dintre cele mai bune sisteme care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa initieze jocuri multiplayer, insa multi s-au intrebat de ce nu a inclus Apple in acest sistem si posibilitatea de a conversa audio sau prin apeluri FaceTime. Un raspuns la aceasta intrebare probabil nu vom avea din partea Apple, insa compania lucreaza intens la rezvolvarea problemei, iar un recent brevet de inventie inregistrat celor din Cupertino descrie o tehnologie care ne va permite sa initiem apeluri FaceTime sau conversatii pentru jocurile care au un modul multiplayer integrat.

Apple states that while the game is being played among the computing devices (i.e., while the game data is exchanged among the computing devices through the mesh network), the process determines (at 625) whether to elect to join an audio chat session with other computing devices of other players who are playing the game. In some embodiments, this determination is based on the input from the player of the computing device executing the process. Such inputs might include, for example, the player’s selection of an option to initiate a chat session or to elect to join a chat session initiated by one or more of the other players in the game. This selection may involve clicking a mouse button or tapping a touchscreen to select a UI item, selecting an option through keyboard input, etc.

  Includerea unei asemenea functionalitati ar permite utilizatorilor sa discute in timp ce joaca un joc, sa coordoneze atacuri un jocuri de strategie si multe, multe altele. Conversatiile audio sau video vor fi purtate prin intermediul unei conexiuni de internet, conexiune care ar trebui sa fie oricum activa pentru ca utilizatorii sa initieze o sesiune multiplayer. Desi ideea este buna si este brevetata, deocamdata nu se stie daca sau cand urmeaza sa ajunga in iDevice-uri.

This post was last modified on apr. 30, 2013, 7:36 PM 19:36

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