Rovio Account este un nou sistem implementat de catre Rovio pentru titlurile proprii, acesta permitand utilizatorilor sa inceapa un joc pe un iPhone si sa il termine pe o tableta iPad, de exemplu. Sistemul a fost promis acum cateva luni de finlandezi, isi face in sfarsit aparitia si practic ne permite sa salvam pe serverele Rovio progresul facut in orice joc in care il gasim implementat. Ideea este excelenta, deoarece acum noi nu vom mai fi nevoiti sa reluam jocurile de la inceput cand facem trecerea de la un dispozitiv la altul, indiferent de platforma pe care se desfasoara actiunea.
Rovio Account lets you store your game progress and continue playing on another device. Some of you may have noticed a new feature in your Rovio games called Rovio Account. Our fans have been asking for a way to play their game on different phones or tablets without losing their progress when changing the device. This is exactly what Rovio Account lets you do! Rovio Account is currently available in The Croods game globally, and in the classic Angry Birds game on iOS in Finland and Poland.
Rovio Account este deocamdata disponibil doar in jocurile The Croods si Angry Birds, ambele pentru platforma iOS, insa doar polonezii si finlandezii pot accesa sistemul. Rovio va permite in mod gradual utilizatorilor din lumea intreaga sa acceseze Rovio Account, asa ca mai aveti de asteptat pana cand veti putea salva progresul facut in jocuri.
When you register, your game progress from the device will be saved to the cloud.If someone has already registered an account on that same device, it will ask you if you want to save the device’s progress or not. If you choose not to save it, you will start the game as new, blank… When you sign in on a device for the first time, you will be asked if you want to add the scores, stars and feathers from that device to your account. If you say yes, the game progress from that device will be merged with the one already in the cloud.