After a slow start, iPhone 5, is now on track to meet carrier volume expectations and iPhone 4 price cuts could stimulate incremental demand near-term. Carriers see the opportunity for Apple to expand market coverage with 5-inch and lower-priced iPhones over time. TD-LTE licenses, and related phone launches, are expected by year-end.
Avand in vedere timeframe-ul privind producerea celor doua dispozitive, este de asteptat ca ambele terminale sa ajunga pe piata abia in toamna acestui an, luna septembrie fiind luata in calcul pentru lansarea iPhone 5S si probabil a iPhone-ului ieftin. Deocamdata vorbim despre zvonuri deoarece nimeni nu stie exact ce are Apple in plan, insa este cat se poate de clar ca iPhone 5S nu va fi prezentat la WWDC 2013, asa cum sustineau toti analistii pana in prezent.