Apple pregateste schimbari majore pentru Apple Care si sistemul de oferire a garantiei pentru iPhone

  Apple Care este un serviciu premium prin care compania Apple le ofera clientilor posibilitatea de a isi proteja produsele printr-o garantie speciala care le permite sa isi schimbe/repare produsele stricate in aproape orice conditii. In cadrul unei sedinte ce a avut loc in campusul Apple, un vicepresedinte si-a anuntat echipa tehnica in legatura cu o serie de schimbari majore care vor fi implementate pentru Apple Care din toamna. Cea mai importanta dintre ele este posibilitatea de a repara iPhone-urile si alte iDevice-uri direct in magazinele Apple, si eventual in cele ale resellerilor autorizati.

“The biggest announcement, was the way repairs for iPhones will be handled soon,” the person, who asked not to be identified due to their active status as an Apple employee, told AppleInsider. “The way it is now, if almost anything is wrong with an iPhone, iPod, or iPad, the entire device is exchanged for a like-new re manufactured (sic) device, whether brought into an apple store or sent in for mail in repair. Now we are starting to actually repair the products and return the same device to the customer.”

Currently, Apple Stores have the tools to replace speakers, receivers, home buttons, the vibrator motor and battery. Come June, capabilities will be expanded to display replacement, and by July cameras, sleep/wake buttons and logic boards will be dealt with in-store.

  In prezent orice iDevice-uri stricate sunt inlocuite complet de catre Apple, insa nou politica presupune repararea acestora in magazin prin inlocuirea componentelor perisabile, inclusiv a ecranelor. Noile reguli ar urma sa economiseasca pana la 1 miliard de dolari anual pentru Apple si reprezinta o schimbare majora, deoarece utilizatorii nu vor primi terminale noi in schimb, ci vor primi acelasi terminal, dar reparat. Separat de aceasta modificare, Apple intentioneaza sa schimbe felul in care functioneaza Apple Care, adica garantia nu va mai trebui achizitionata pentru fiecare produs in parte, ci va putea fi achizitionata ca un plan de garantie care acopera mai multe produse simultan.

In another huge departure, Apple will reportedly reconfigure its paid AppleCare service as a subscription model, or introduce a new tier, which will be attached to a customer rather than a specific product. Under the proposed system, a customer is entitled to in-store training similar to the One to One program available to new Mac buyers, with each device owned being covered by the warranty. The new AppleCare may also include “exclusive” 24/7 support, though that has not been confirmed as a full set of features and pricing is not yet etched in stone.

  Toate aceste modificari urmeaza sa fie implementate incepand din toamna, iar americanii vor fi primii care vor beneficia de catre ele. Treptat magazinele Apple si probabil resellerii din toata lumea vor aplica aceleasi reguli, insa deocamdata nu exista un timeline pentru lansare.