Zilele trecute compania Facebook a lansat in App Store versiunea 2.0 a aplicatiei Facebook Pages Manager
, implementand o serie de functii noi si rezolvand o parte dintre problemele versiunilor anterioare. In ciuda acestor noutati, aplicatia avea in continuare probleme de performanta, asa ca versiunea 2.0.1 a fost lansata in cursul acestei nopti si in afara rezolvarii acelor probleme, ea aduce inapoi optiunea de a vedea informatii detaliate privind statisticile disponibile pentru post-urile publicate in paginile de Facebook.New in 2.0.1:
• Added back detailed post insights
• Bug fixes and performance updates
Facebook Pages Manager este disponibil gratuit in App Store.
Pretul initial:
Facebook Pages Manager
Facebook Pages Manager
Developer: Facebook, Inc.
Categoria: Business
Descriere: Pages Manager helps admins connect with their audience and keep up with activity on multiple Pages, all in one place.
Post updates and photos and respond to comments as your Pages
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Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 30.3 Mb
This post was last modified on mai 13, 2013, 8:24 AM 08:24