Apple are cea mai devotata si loiala baza de clienti

  Compania americana Forrester s-a gandit sa faca un studiu prin care sa afle cat de loiali si devotati sunt utilizatorii de produsele electronice unui anumit brand. Conform studiului, 85% dintre persoane nu au niciun fel de devotament sau loialitate fata de un anumit brand ori companie, insa in restul de 15% Apple este pe primul loc. Apple are clienti mai loiali si mai devotati decat Microsoft sau Google, diferenta fata de Microsoft si Google fiind mai mare in cazul “loialistilor”.

  • The Free Radicals, who have little to no loyalty. This group consists of two subgroups: those who own exactly one type of device and those who own multiple devices, all of which come from a different ecosystem.
  • The Loyalists, who have moderate or divided loyalty. This group is made up of those using multiple devices, a majority of which — but not all — are tied to a single ecosystem.
  • The Devotees, who are strongly loyal to a single ecosystem. This segment consists of those using multiple devices, all of which come from a single ecosystem.

  Probabil nu surprinde pe nimeni faptul ca Apple are clienti extrem de loiali, mai ales ca majoritatea produselor companiei sunt cumparate de catre persoane care detin macar un alt dispozitiv produs de Apple.

This post was last modified on mai 18, 2013, 8:00 PM 20:00

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