Steve Jobs nu ar fi fost un fan al Google Glass

  Google Glass este probabil cea mai buna dovada a faptului ca filmele sci-fi ai anilor trecuti ii motiveaza pe cei din Silicon Valley sa inoveze, multa lume fiind extrem de interesata macar sa testeze o pereche de ochelari ai Google. Nu acelasi lucru l-ar fi facut si Steve Jobs, fostul CEO al companiei Apple avand in 2007 ocazia de a frange ideile unui angajat al sau. Intr-o conferinta Apple din auditoriul companiei unui dintre angajati l-a intrebat pe Jobs cum ar putea sa aduca la cunostinta conducerii idei de produse noi. Steve Jobs l-a pus sa isi prezinte ideea in fata intregului auditoriu, angajatul a prezentat exact conceptul de baza al Google Glass, iar Steve Jobs a replicat ca folosind un asemenea produs probabil s-ar impiedica si s-ar lovi, sugerand ca ele nu ar trebui dezvoltate.

The employee proceeded to pitch an idea about glasses you can wear that display various types of information. A heads up display a’la terminator cyborg vision if you will. He continued to explain how he wished he had a way to see projected information while he perhaps went for a run outside. Keep in mind this is happening in a room filled with a lot of people. Steve immediately shot his idea down and told the guy that he would probably trip and fall if that were the case. Steve also suggested he should get a girlfriend so he has someone to keep him company while running. I can not watch this Project Glass video without recalling this moment. So if you’re wondering what Steve would think about Project Glass, that’s pretty much it.

  Desi cei de la Google au venit cativa ani mai tarziu cu proiectul Google Glass, probabil Jobs ar fi gasit cateva cuvinte dure prin care sa convinga lumea ca nu ar trebui sa testeze prototipul companiei competitoare.

This post was last modified on mai 20, 2013, 7:42 PM 19:42

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