Cei de la Huffington Post si-au propus sa afle cum isi folosesc tinerele fete iPhone-urile si au supus unui interviu o tanara de 14 ani din SUA. Scopul lor era de a afla ce face tanara toata ziua cu iPhone-ul ei si fara prea multa surprindere aflam ca aplicatiile de mesagerie ocupa primul loc in topul utilizarii. iMessage este punctul central al sistemului de mesagerie, insa aplicatii precum Skype, Facebook Messenger sau WhatsApp Messenger isi au utilitatea lor, probabil cand iMessage devine functional.
I’ll wake up in the morning and go on Facebook just … because. It’s not like I want to or I don’t. I just go on it. I’m, like, forced to. I don’t know why. I need to. Facebook takes up my whole life. Not having an iPhone can be social suicide, notes Casey. One of her friends found herself effectively exiled from their circle for six months because her parents dawdled in upgrading her to an iPhone. Without it, she had no access to the iMessage group chat, where it seemed all their shared plans were being made. “She wasn’t in the group chat, so we stopped being friends with her,” Casey says. “Not because we didn’t like her, but we just weren’t in contact with her.”
Chiar daca Facebook-ul ramane reteaua de socializare favorita a tinerilor, iMessage-ul este metoda principala de interactiune cu prietenii si cei care sunt lipsiti de iPhone sunt efectiv dati uitarii. Tanara a povestit pentru publicate ca, cel putin o prietena a devenit “istorie” din cauza faptului ca nu detine un iPhone si nu mai are acces la iMessage, iar chiar daca voia vi se pare totul iesit din comun, aceste lucruri sunt cat se poate de “normale” si se intampla frecvent la acea varsta.
This post was last modified on mai 27, 2013, 9:21 AM 09:21