Tim Cook sustine ca Google Glass nu va avea succes, smartwatch-urile reprezentand viitorul

  In cursul noptii trecute Tim Cook, CEO al Apple, a deschis seria de conferinte All Things Digital D11 si a vorbit despre multe, multe lucruri foarte interesante. Totul a inceput cu cateva afirmatii legate de Google Glass, despre care Tim Cook considera ca nu va fi chiar atat de atragator, el considerand ca dispozitivele care pot fi purtate in jurul incheieturii reprezinta viitorul. Cook nu a confirmat/infirmat ca Apple ar lucra la un produs de acest gen, insa a spus ca incheietura mainii este “interesanta”.

Nike Fuel Band well made for the fitness category. Works well with iOS. The ones that do more than one thing aren’t great. They won’t convince a kid who has never worn glasses, a band, or a watch to wear one. There are lots of things to solve in this area, ripe for excitement. I think there will be tons of companies playing in this (won’t respond to Walt asking if Apple will). I see this as a very key branch of the tree… referring to the post-PC era.

  Recunoscand faptul ca piata dispozitivelor care pot fi purtate este una importanta, Tim Cook a afirmat ca produsele care fac mai multe lucruri in acelasi timp nu sunt chiar atat de grozave. El afirma ca utilizatorii vor produse usoare, care nu ii deranjeaza si care le reflecta stilul de viata si alegerile vestimentare, oamenii trebuind convinsi sa poarte un asemenea dispozitiv daca nu au fost vreodata invatati cu el. Practic Tim Cook a confirmat indirect faptul ca un iWatch se afla printre planurile Apple, ramane doar sa vedem cand va fi lansat.

I’m interested in a great product. I only wear glasses because I can’t see without them. People want wearables to be light, unobtrusive, reflect their fashion/style and so forth. From a mainstream point of view, glasses are difficult. I think the wrist is interesting. It is somewhat natural. I think for something to work [on the wrist], you have to convince people why it is worth wearing them.

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