iTV cu iRing, Siri si control prin gesturi ar urma sa fie lansat anul acesta

  Desi Tim Cook a spus ca Apple are o suita intreaga de produse grozave pe care urmeaz sa le prezinte la sfarsitul acestui an, iTV-ul nu parea sa se afle printre ele, insa asta nu ii opreste pe analistii americani sa speculeze. Ei cred ca Apple urmeaza sa colaboreze cu operatorii de telefonie mobila pentru a vinde acest nou televizor, colaborarea constand in faptul ca operatorii vor comercializa abonamente speciale cu internet inclus care sa le permita utilizatorilor sa faca streaming multimedia prin iTunes Store.

We were told that carriers will be an important part of the go-to-market strategy for Apple’s TV ambitions and subsidize the $1,500-$2,500 “iTV”, offering customers a single bill that will include a wireless plan (i.e., iPhone, iPad), Internet connection services, an “iTV” plan and other services. As we have previously discussed, the 60-inch “iTV” (50-inch and 55-inch may also be available) is anticipated to come with one iPad-sized “mini iTV” with the option to add more “mini iTVs”.

  Separat de vanzare, analistii considera ca televizorul va fi controlat de un iRing, un accesoriu care prin gesturi va controla interfata televizorului. Separat de iRing, Apple implementeaza si posibilitatea de a controla televizorul folosind comenzi vocale, asistentul Siri fiind utilziat pentru aceasta functionalitate, care era destul de logica. Partea interesanta este ca la televizor vom putea conecta inclusiv telecomanda vanduta pentru Apple TV, un Magic Mouse, Magic Trackpad sau chiar o tastatura Apple wireless.

Motion detection technology will be used on the “mothership iTV” and the “iRing” will allow for improved control accuracy. For example, we believe the “iRing” will provide for more accurate control of channel surfing, content management and settings via motion detection, while also offering a more seamless gaming experience on Game Center. We were told that “iRing” will not be the sole option available to control the “mothership iTV”, as iOS devices (i.e., iPhone, iPad) and Siri will provide alternatives for similar or different use cases. Clearly, there will be many different uses for “iTV” and similar to the various devices (i.e., remote, Magic Mouse, Magic Trackpad, wireless keyboard, etc.) that are used to control an iMac, we believe it makes sense for consumers to have different options to control the “iTV”

  Desi toate aceste informatii par interesante, trebuie avut in vedere faptul ca acest iTV se afla in proces de dezvoltare de mai bine de 4 – 5 ani de zile si deocamdata nu am vazut vreo componenta a sa, ci am auzit doar zvonuri. Daca Apple va lansa un televizor pe piata, atunci probabil vom vedea destule componente ale sale inainte ca produsul sa fie disponibil in magazine, iar acest lucru inca nu s-a intamplat.