Daca va gandeati ca serviciile de curierat din Romania au probleme mari, va anunt ca nici in SUA lucrurile nu stau prea bine, un angajat al celebrei firme UPS fiind acuzat de furtul a 60 de produse Apple. Barbatul lucra in departamentul de sortare a coletelor si timp de aproape 9 luni de zile a furat 60 de iPhone-uri, iPad-uri si MacBook-uri din coletele ce treceau prin unitatea sa. Coletele erau produse comandate de clienti de la compania Apple, iar investigatia derulata de politistii din SUA a dezvaluit faptul ca barbatul ascundea produsele in haine pentru a iesi cu ele din unitatea UPS.
Police say a 31-year-old Dumfries man has been charged with embezzlement of over 60 Apple products. Stephen A. Owens, a UPS sorter, was reportedly taking unopened Apple products, stuffing them into his pants or otherwise concealing them and then selling them at bargain prices, officials say. Thefts were reportedly taking place in batches since September 2012, and included such items as Macbooks, iPhones, iPods and iPads all being shipped directly from Apple to new customers. UPS became suspicious when customers started calling to inquire or complain that they had not received their products.
Barbatul a fost arestat de catre politisti, insa paguba a fost suportata de catre compania Apple, avand in vedere ca produsele reprezentau comenzi expediate de catre magazinele sale catre clienti.