Reckless Hero este denumirea unui nou racing game lansat recent in App Store-ul companiei Apple, el dandu-va posibilitatea de a va demonstra abilitatea de a conduce o masina la viteza mare printr-o serie de obstacole amplasate pe traseele concepute de catre dezvoltatori. Daca va uitati la trailerul de mai sus veti observa rapid ca gameplay-ul este departe de a fi complicat, iar satisfactia vine din eludarea obstacolelor si obtinerea a unui numar cat mai mare de puncte pe masura ce parcurgeti traseele, uciderea pietonilor aflat in fata masinii voastre acordandu-va bonusuri destul de mari la fiecare kill.
Since the military chemical weapons experiment accident. Caused the leak of the zombie virus, And make the zombies occupied this world. You are a taxi driver and have excellent driving skills, And also the one of the immune survivor. In order to save the other survivors, You use the car as a weapon and started the path of reckless.
Reckless Hero este disponibil in format universal in App Store la pretul minim.
Reckless Hero
Since the military chemical weapons experiment accident.
Caused the leak of the zombie virus,
And make the zombies occupied this world.
You are a taxi driver and have excellent driving skills,
And also the one of the immune survivor.
In orde…
This post was last modified on iun. 19, 2013, 1:29 PM 13:29