PatternUnlock este un tweak despre care v-am vorbit in cursul acestei seri, spnandu-va ca el va permite sa va deblocati terminalele in stilul Android OS. Desi am scris despre el acum doar doua ore, intre timp el a fost lansat oficial si este disponibil pentru download din Cydia. Imprumutand sistemul disponibil in Android OS, PatternUnlock ne va permite sa efectuam combinatii de miscari in LockScreen pentru a debloca terminalele, aceasta metoda crescand securitatea iDevice-urilor noastre. Dupa cum v-ati si imaginat, utilizatorii vor trebui sa traseze linii pe ecrane conectand cele 9 puncte care urmeaza sa fie disponibile in LockScreen-ul terminalelor, combinatiile de conectari urmand a stabili daca un terminal este deblocat sau nu.
Compatible with iOS 6 and higher. Works on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. PatternUnlock offers a new way to passcode protect your device! PatternUnlock replaces the standard passcode lock with an easy, secure, stylish and fun way to unlock your device with a pattern. With PatternUnlock your passcode is a pattern, which is drawn on the screen by connecting 9 dots to form your pattern. Once PatternUnlock is installed you can set up your custom pattern to protect your device with. The pattern can be changed or disabled at any time.
- Enable or disable PatternUnlock and set your personal pattern
- 5 built in, customizable themes
- Create your own themes!
- Custom vibrations when entering the pattern
- Top level security
- Require pattern only after a certain delay
- Enable or disable device blocking after too many wrong pattern entries
- Additional features such as emergency call button
- Detailed usage and setup guide
- Detailed theming guide to show you how you can make your own themes easily
PatternUnlock va avea inclusiv un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings a iOS, de acolo vom putea alege combinatiile de conectari care vor debloca terminalele, si nu doar atat. Dezvoltatorul tweak-ului sustine ca acesta foloseste o metoda de criptare AES-256 biti pentru a proteja passcode-urile setate pentru protejarea terminalelor, el recomandand utilizatorilor sa utilizeze un cod de siguranta impreuna cu al sau tweak. Recomandarea este facuta deoarece tweak-ul poate fi dezactivat in Safe Mode sau prin dezactivarea mobilesubstrate, iar in acel moment codul de siguranta al iOS-ului ar putea proteja terminalul fara probleme.
Customization, user experience and security have been largely addressed in PatternUnlock. User experience: PatternUnlock is built into iOS as if it were a standard feature. The experience is amazing and feels familiar! Security: A tweak to passcode protect your device is nothing without security! PatternUnlock uses AES-256 bit encryption as well as the device’s keychain to store your unlock pattern. With over 620 000 different possible combinations your device will be well protected – security at its highest level!
Extra Security: It is recommended to use PatternUnlock in combination with a passcode lock. The passcode lock will be bypassed by PatternUnlock but if PatternUnlock gets disabled unintentionally (when your device enters Safe Mode) then your device will still be protected by the passcode lock. Compatibility: PatternUnlock has no known Incompatibilities! All options can be configured from the settings app.
PatternUnlock este disponibil la pretul de 2$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
This post was last modified on iun. 21, 2013, 7:54 PM 19:54