PhotoSynthesis for iPad – o tema inedita pentru tableta ta iPad

  PhotoSynthesis for iPad este o tema lansata in cursul acestei zile in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau va puteti personaliza putin tableta iPad pentru a avea parte de o experienta de utilizare usor diferita. Daca va uitat la imagine, veti observa ca tema modifica aspectul iconitelor aplicatiilor instalate in tableta voastra, dar si interfata aplicatiilor native, acelasi lucru facandu-l majoritatea temelor pentru iDevice-uri. Tema este conceputa pentru a functiona pe toate tabletele care ruleaza iOS 6, orice alta versiune inferioara a sistemului de operare fiind incompatibil cu ea.

As soon as you enable PhotoSynthesis, the first thing you see is the beautiful lockscreen, which lets you see more of your own wallpaper. Then when you unlock your device, you’ll see an extraordinary new set of icons that make heavy use of Apple’s beautiful high – resolution displays and skeuomorphism, and they’re not only gorgeous, but also take only the first glance to get used to. Not only are the icons beautiful, but your iPad’s UI will be a masterpiece all around. The messages app is a perfect example of the beauty of this theme’s UI. It offers a remarkable new design, yet it is still fully functional without the user having to learn new images.

  PhotoSynthesis for iPad este disponibila in repo-ul ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia.

This post was last modified on iun. 22, 2013, 3:14 PM 15:14

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