Este vineri, Apple a schimbat promotia pentru aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii, iar incepand de astazi ne ofera posibilitatea de a descarca gratuit din App Store titlul Sprinkle: Water splashing fire fighting fun!. Dupa cum probabil v-ati dat deja seama, jocul este construit avand ca motiv centrala apa, utilizatorii folosind o serie de tunuri de apa pentru a stinge diverse incendii amplasate pe hartile concepute de catre dezvoltatori. 8 milioane de utilizatori au descarcat jocul si ca sa fiu sincer el pare a fi destul de interesant, mai ales ca trebuie sa va utilizati inteligenta pentru a stinge majoritatea focurilor.
Ready, aim, squirt! Join over eight million players in this wet physics puzzler! Using a water cannon mounted on a crane, players must adjust the height and angle of the cannon to fight fires, move obstacles, spin wheels and activate traps in this challenging water-physics based puzzler! But squirt carefully as you will run out of water and the less water you use, the more drops you earn! Using some of the most realistic water physics seen on an iOS device yet, Sprinkle is a brain-teasing game that will have players straining to figure out each puzzle and obstacle.
Sprinkle: Water splashing fire fighting fun! este disponibil gratuit in format universal in App Store pana vinerea viitoare.
Sprinkle: Water splashing fire fighting fun!
Descriere: *** Winner of Best Casual Game in the 2012 International Mobile Gaming Awards! ***
Ready, aim, squirt! Join over eight million players in this wet physics puzzler!
“Gaming App of the Day” – [Kotaku]
“Sprinkle is a solid puzzle game in a similar vein a…