Steve Wozniak sustine ca primul Macintosh a fost un produs “slab”

  Intr-un interviu acordat recent unei publicatii americane, co-fondatorul Apple, Steve Wozniak, a afirmat ca primul Macintosh produs de catre compania din Cupertino a fost un produs slab. Comparandu-ul cu Lisa, Wozniak sustine ca Macintosh-ul trebuia sa fie un produs care nu avea intreaga experienta centrata in jurul mouse-ului si ca erau necesari 5 ani de dezvoltare inainte ca el sa ajunga pe piata. Problemele au inceput cand Steve Jobs s-a alaturat proiectului, dupa cateva discutii in contradictoriu cu CEO-ul John Sculley, iar rezultatul final nu a fost pe placul lui Wozniak.

The Macintosh should’ve been a whole different product, not a mouse-driven GUI machine like it was, and the Lisa, he should’ve just waited five years, and then it would’ve been ready. Steve really took over the [Macintosh] project when I had a plane crash and wasn’t there,” he said saying it was his opinion that Jobs wanted the Macintosh to “compete with the Lisa group that had kicked him out. what he did was he made a really weak, lousy computer, to tell you truth, in the Macintosh, and still at a fairly high price. He made it by cutting the RAM down, by forcing you to swap disks here and there. It was a lousy product.

  Preluand proiectul Macintosh dupa ce Wozniak a fost implicat intr-un accident aviatic, Jobs dorea sa aduca pe piata un produs ieftin, iar pentru a isi satisface dorinta a redus RAM-ul Mac-ului, lucru care in final a afectat serios experienta de utilizare si l-a determinat pe Wozniak sa-l declare un produs prost. Macintosh-ul a fost un esec, insa dupa plecarea lui Steve Jobs de la compania Apple, John Sculler a reusit sa readuca in atentia lumii intregi produsele companiei Apple, el facandu-le din nou populare.

  In ultima vreme Wozniak a criticat compania Apple si pe regretatul Steve Jobs cu orice ocazie, lucru pe care in trecut nu-l facea chiar atat de des.

This post was last modified on iun. 28, 2013, 7:57 AM 07:57

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