Activate Link este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem accesa rapid URL-uri catre pagini web sau URL-uri interrne ale iOS-ului iDevice-urilor noastre. Mai exact, folosind sistemul de gesturi disponibil prin intermediul plugin-ului Activator putem selcta maxim 5 url-uri care sunt accesate automat de catre iDevice-uri in momentul in care facem un dublu tap oriunde pe ecran, apasam un buton sau facem un swipe. URL-urile pot deschide fie pagini web folosind Safari, fie pot actiona diverse functii ale sistemului de operare, ca si cum am controla functii prin aplicatia Settings.
Activate Link is a simple tweak that lets you open URLs using Activator events. Activate Link supports Web URLs as well as System URL Schemes. This tweak lets you set up to five URLs that can be opened with Activator events such as tapping the status bar, double tapping the sleep button or triple tapping the home button. Examples of things you can do are:
- Open a favorite web page in safari.
- Get maps to take you to a favorite location (e.g.,Chicago for apple maps or comgooglemaps://?daddr=10+Downing+Street,London for google maps).
- Open a favorite TV show in imdb (e.g. imdb:///title/tt0944947/).
- Compose a tweet in your preferred Twitter client that supports URL schemes.
Activate Link este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.