Apple has been accused of forcing customers to pay for High-Definition videos that are downloaded to their iPhones, even if they own an older model that did not support the higher resolution content. In a court filing, Scott J. Weiselberg is seeking a class action lawsuit against the company and wants it to refund the $1 per download surcharge that he claims was illegally applied to the bills. Although Apple used to offer the option to buy a standard resolution video file, this was removed from a 2010 update to the iTunes software. However, even though the customer was billed for HD-Videos, the file subsequently sent to the handset was still a standard resolution video.
Persoana care a actionat compania Apple in judecata sustine ca aceasta ar fi castigat milioane de dolari de la utilizatorii care nu au fost instiintati la achizitie ca exista o versiune SD a acelui film si ca versiunea HD nu poate fi rulata de catre terminalele lor. Prin proces se spera ca Apple sa fie obligata sa returneze utilizatorilor suprataxa impusa pentru achizitionarea continutului multimedia HD, compania neavand avertismente care sa le spuna utilizatorilor ca aceasta nu este o versiune suportata de catre terminalele lor, dar si ca in dispozitive va fi descarcata o versiune de calitate inferioara.
Avand in vedere ca aceasta practica exista de ani de zile, exista sanse ca Apple sa piarda procesul si cateva milioane de dolari impreuna cu el.
This post was last modified on iul. 8, 2013, 10:03 PM 22:03