Apple invita utilizatorii sa testeze iWork for iCloud gratuit

  iWork for iCloud este parte a iCloud Beta, un ecosistem accesibil, teoretic, doar dezvoltatorilor de aplicatii pentru iOS. In dorinta de a oferi tuturor utilizatorilor acces la acest sistem, cei de la Apple permit logarea in el utilizand orice Apple ID, dar asta v-am spus acum cateva saptamani de zile

. Pentru a aduce informatia in atentia celor care nu stiau inca, Apple  trimis in cursul zilelor acestea invitatii prin care le cerea utilizatorilor sa acceseze versiunea beta a iCloud pentru a testa suita iWork for iCloud inaintea lansarii oficiale.

  iWork for iCloud este de fapt versiunea web a aplicatiilor Pages, Numbers si Keynote, ele urmand a le oferi utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a beneficia de functionalitatea lor pe orice sistem de operare. Aplicatiile pentru iOS urmeaza sa fie oferite gratuit de indata ce iWork for iCloud va deveni public, iar sistemele vor interactiona pentru a afisa in iDevice-uri toate modificarile din aplicatiile web.

We’ll soon be introducing a new and exciting feature to iCloud. It’s called iWork for iCloud and it’s a suite of apps — Pages, Numbers, and Keynote — that make it easy for anyone with an iCloud account to create and edit great-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations right on the web.

We’d like to invite you to be one of the first to try it, so we’re giving you early access to the iWork for iCloud beta. All you have to do is sign in to iCloud on a Mac or a PC using the current version of Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer. Then just click on Pages, Numbers, or Keynote and you’re off.

We’re really proud of these apps and we’d appreciate your help in making them as great as they can possibly be. So we’d love to hear your feedback as you use them.

Sign in to iCloud.com to get started with iWork for iCloud today.


The iWork Team

This post was last modified on iul. 19, 2013, 9:09 AM 09:09

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